Sri Meenakshi Naramadeswara Temple : An anecdote says that Yadati Narasaiah started his journey to Kasi (Varanasi) to bring Sivalingam for Siva temple. But in the middle of his journey he was seriously ill and he was unable to continue his journey. Then Swamy appeared to Narasaiah and given his blessings. After Swamy's blessings, Narasaiah was asleep for three days. He woke up on fourth day morning and realized that he is already in the Mattam. He also realized that he has seen Kasi Viswanath Temple, taken bath in River Ganga. He also found a Siva Lingam under his pillow. Then immediately he completed Siva Temple named as 'Sri Meenakshi Narmadeswara' Temple. Since then every year there will be Thirunala or Brahmostavam for five days during Magha Masam (auspicious month as per Telugu Calendar).
Narasaiah also started Kesava Temple (Lakshmi Venkateswara) soon after completion of Naramadeswara Temple. But due to lack of financial resources it was stopped in the middle and even today the old structure (close to 200 years) remains same in Mattam premises. Current Pettathipathi is looking for resources to complete Kesava temple project as per Swamy's wishes.